OBGYN Coverage Needed in North Carolina

Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology Job #: JN -012025-22789 State: NC Remuneration: Not Specified Type: Locum Tenens
  • Dates: March 6 - December 28, 2025
    Schedule: 24-hour call only, 7 AM - 7 AM (No clinic)
    Coverage Type: Call only
    Practice Setting: Inpatient
    Patients Per Shift: 3 (276 deliveries/year)
    Skills Required:Low- and high-risk pregnancies, FHR interpretation (NST/CST/FSE), OB ultrasounds (Level I and II), Routine and complicated deliveries: Vaginal, C-sections, breech, multiple births, abruptions, VBACs, Surgical gynecology: Open and laparoscopic diagnostic/minor procedures (tubal ligation, LOAs); major procedures (ectopic pregnancy, ovary removal, cystectomy, extensive LOAs)
    Reqs: NC License, BLS 
    Credentialing: 30-90 days 

A facility in Hickory, North Carolina is seeking OBGYN Coverage ASAP! Are you available or interested in helping? 
Contact me today for more information

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