OB/GYN coverage needed in Tacoma, WA

Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology Job #: JN -012025-22701 State: WA Remuneration: Not Specified Type: Locum Tenens
    • Dates: ASAP - September 30, 2025
    • Schedule: Flexible (ideal: 2 clinic days, 1 call day per week), Clinic + Call
    • Inpatient and Outpatient
    • Required Skills: Obstetrics: Low- and high-risk pregnancies, OB ultrasounds, routine/complicated deliveries, C-sections, VBACs, breech, multiple births, Office Gynecology: IUD, colposcopy, cryosurgery, LEEP, etc, Surgical Gynecology: Minor and major procedures, including ectopic pregnancy and ovary removal.
    • Support Staff: Comprehensive, including RNs, LPNs, MAs, CNMs, and office staff
    • Trauma Level III
    • Certifications: WA license, BLS, Fetal Monitoring (OB relias)
    • Credentialing Timeframe: 60-90 days (expedited for clean history)

We are seeking OB/GYN coverage in Tacoma, WA, starting ASAP through September 30th. This opportunity includes both inpatient and outpatient settings with a mix of clinic, call, admissions, and rounding. Would you be able to help, or do you know someone who might be?

Contact me today for more information

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