Pediatrics NP help needed in Pennsylvania

Specialty: Pediatrics Job #: JN -122024-22568 State: PA Remuneration: Not Specified Type: Locum Tenens
    • Date: ASAP - April
    • Shift times: 7am-3:30pm OR 7:30am-4pm
    • Practice Setting: Newborn Nursery
    • Patient Volume: average census of 15-18 newborns
    • Skills Required: Physical assessment of newborns, reviewing labs, interacting with parents regarding newborns' condition, educating parents, etc. APP will work with the pediatrician in the term nursery to manage the care of the newborns and coordinate discharge or the newborns
    • Support Staff: Physicians, Residents, APPs
    • EMR: Cerner
    • Requirements: PA/NP Compact Licensure Required, Must be graduate of Pediatrics NP Masters program and passage of exam, Certification as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
    • Credentialing: 60-90 days, emergency/temp privs available

A facility in Philadelphia, PA is looking for Pediatrics NP coverage in the Newborn Nursery starting ASAP and is ongoing through April 2025. Would you be interested in helping out?

Contact me today for more information

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