CRNA needed in Maryland

Specialty: CRNA Job #: JN -012025-22705 State: MD Remuneration: Not Specified Type: Locum Tenens
    • Date: April 21st - ongoing
    • Schedule: weekend blocks only, Fri-Mon, no call
    • 7a-7p covering scheduled cases and add-ons in OR
    • Practice Setting: Inpatient
    • Expected Surgeries: complete ortho, complex vascular, head spine, neuro, OB, regional, thoracic
    • EMR: Epic
    • Requirements: MD license or IMLC, BC
    • Credentialing: 60 days estimated, temp privs available

A facility in Salisbury, MD is looking for CRNA weekend coverage starting April 21st and is ongoing. Would you be interested in helping out?

Contact me today for more information

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